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Indian Mythological Stories

Bali and Sugreeva

Bali was the monkey king of Kishkindha, a son of Indra and the elder brother of Sugreeva. The kingdom had a sworn enemy called Mayavee. Bali and MayaveeTired of its attacks, Bali decided to settle the score. When Bali and Mayavee entered a cave during their fight, Sugreeva was ordered to keep a watch outside till Bali emerged .

Time passed and sounds of the roaring fight wafted to Sugreeva's ears. After nearly a year' wait when neither Bali nor the rakshasa (demon) came out, Sugreeva thought they had both been killed. Saddened by his brother's death, he went back to Kishkindha and became its ruler  and made Tara, Bali's wife, his queen.

However, Bali returned and seeing Sugreeva as king, Bali thought he had been betrayed. Though Sugreeva tried to explain the misunderstanding, Bali attacked and forced him and his team of monkeys to flee Kishkindha. Bali regained his kingship but became an enemy of Sugreeva forever.
