Fun for Kids

More Riddles

What do elves do after school?

What has forty feet and sings?
The school choir!

Why does a flamingo lift up one leg?
Because if he lifted up both legs it would fall down!

What has two humps and is found at the North Pole?
A lost camel!

Where do tadpoles change?
In a croakroom!

What sort of animal is a slug?
A snail with a housing problem!

What is "out of bounds"?
A tired kangaroo!

Why did the chicken cross the road?
To get to the other side!

Why do birds fly south in the winter?
Because it's too far to walk!

What's an insect's favourite sport?

If two's company and three a crowd, what are four and five?

What is the quickest way to double your money?
Fold it in half!

What happens when you throw a green stone in the red sea?
It gets wet!

What is a volcano?
A mountain with hiccups!

Why is Alabama the smartest state in the USA?
Because it has 4 A's and one B!

Teacher: If 1+1=2 and 2+2=4, what is 4+4?
Pupil: That's not fair! You answered the easy ones and left me with the hard one!

Teacher: Now class I want you all to answer at once. How much is six plus 4?
Class: At once!

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