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Arabian Tales

Arabic Stories | Free Online Arabic Stories

Who does not love reading stories? No matter how old we become, our fascination for stories remains intact and there never seems to be a dearth of sources to satisfy our craving for tales of the known and the unknown. KidsGen brings for all its little readers a plethora of stories to read and enjoy during their leisure hours. These are tales of the simple and the fantastical, the pauper and the prince, the lovely and the ugly, the mighty and the meek and what not? Let these enchanting tales transport you to lands of mystery and fantasy, to countries where nothing is impossible. If you like these amazing stories from kidsgen, click here and share them with your friends and loved ones. Enjoy a happy reading time with Kidsgen!

Arabic Stories

Arabian Story - Alibaba and Forty Thieves

Ali Baba and Forty Thieves

The story takes place in Baghdad during the Abbasid era. Ali Baba and his elder brother Cassim are the sons of a merchant. After the death of their father, one day Ali Baba is at work collecting and cutting firewood in the forest, and he happens to overhear a group of forty thieves visiting their treasure store.

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An Arabic Story of Aladdin and the Magic Lamp

The Story of Aladdin and the Magic Lamp

Aladdin, was a very careless and idle fellow. He was disobedient to his father and mother, and would go out early in the morning and stay out all day, playing in the streets and public places with idle children of his own age.

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Stories of Sindbad the Sailor

Stories of Sindbad The Sailor

In the reign of the same caliph, Haroun-al-Raschid, of whom we have already heard, there lived at Bagdad a poor porter called Hindbad. One day, when the weather was excessively hot, he was employed to carry a heavy burden from one end of the town to the other. Being much fatigued, he took off his load, and sat upon it, near a large mansion.

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