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Indian Mythological Stories

An Unexpected Bond: Arjuna's Encounter with Angarparna

Arjuna and Angarparna

The Pandavas, exiled from their kingdom, journeyed through dense forests. One moonlit night, Arjuna, ever vigilant, led the way, torch in hand. As they reached the banks of the Ganges, a celestial melody filled the air. Unbeknownst to them, they had stumbled upon Angarparna, a Gandharva (celestial musician), enjoying a night by the river with his wives.

Angarparna, startled by the intrusion, mistook them for enemies. A fierce duel erupted. Arjuna, recognizing Angarparna's celestial nature, used his divine weaponry sparingly. Angarparna, impressed by Arjuna's restraint, countered with equal respect. Finally, with a powerful arrow, Arjuna destroyed Angarparna's chariot, rendering him unconscious.

Angarparna's wife, Kumbhanasi, rushed to his side, pleading for Arjuna's mercy. Touched by her devotion and Angarparna's initial respect, Arjuna spared his life. Grateful, Angarparna offered Arjuna a celestial vision – the "Chakshusi Vidya" – allowing him to see anything at will. He also wished to gift the Pandavas magical Gandharva horses.

Arjuna, ever noble, refused the gifts out of a sense of fairness. However, they struck a deal. Angarparna wished to learn the secrets of the divine Agneyastra (fire arrow) that Arjuna possessed. In exchange for this knowledge, Arjuna accepted the horses.

As the Pandavas continued their journey, Angarparna became their unlikely companion. He regaled them with tales from the celestial world, forging an unexpected bond. They parted ways with mutual respect, a testament to how even adversaries can find understanding and exchange knowledge.
