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KidsGen - The New Age Kids Site
Indian Mythological Stories

Hanuman Crosses the Sea

Hanuman Crosses the Sea

With his sharp vision Sampati, Jatayu's older brother spotted Sita. He informed the searching squad of monkeys about Sita's presence under the Ashoka tree in Lanka. The monkeys decided to immediately start for Lanka, but a problem arose. Who would fly across the huge sea?

Hanuman crosses the sea

Angad could only go a hundred miles, while Jambavan realised that only Hanuman, the son of Vayu had the capacity to fly across the ocean. The monkeys got together to remind Hanuman of his strengths. Hanuman offered his prayers and set off on the journey. He increased in size and with a great roar, leapt up to the skies. As his gigantic shadow fell on the waters of the ocean, nature rose to help him. The sun reduced its heat, the moon showered its bright light, and the wind helped him keep afloat.
