Rattlesnakes are one of the the most scariest creatures. They get their name due to the rattling sound they make with the help of some loose bones at their tail. They do it to warn other animals, so that they do not come near it. They are brilliantly colored, but mostly, the base color is green. surf the internet for some rattlesnake images, to get the idea.
Here we make a rattlesnake with the help of corks. Get to a shop that sells homemade wine equipment, from where get about 10 to 12 large sized corks.
You will also need some colored beads, that would do the rattling for you.
You will also need a flat elastic band of about 60cm in length and about 1.5 cm in width.
A pipe cleaner
Some rubber bands
Paintbrushes, bright acrylic paints of colors yellow, green, black and red. PVA glue, scissors and optionally, some acrylic varnish. And yes, cut 1 ordinary cork with adult help in half, lengthwise. Keep 2 corks in reserve, in case anything goes wrong. The cork cut in half will stand as the mouth of the snake , so decorate it accordingly.

1) Get adult help to drill a hole through the middle of all the other corks. Paint the corks green, leave them to dry. Dry thoroughly.

2)Now paint the black patterns. Then paint the red and yellow in between them. Feel free to use your own pattern. Also decorate the cork designated for the mouth. Dry thoroughly.

3)Now thread the corks with the elastic band, keeping a bead between each cork. Make sure that the tail corks has the tapered part in the end.

4)Now thread 5 to 6 beads at the end to make the rattle, Tie a knot to hold them.

5) Now pull the elastic band up through the snake, making sure that it is not too tight, for then the snake will not be able to wiggle. Now thread two beads into the pipe cleaner to make the two eyes. Cut off the extra pipe cleaner, leaving about 1cm or 1.5 cm to twist and lock the beads in place. Flatten out the band, so that it runs along the flat side of the cork, and the end sticks out, making for the tongue of the snake. Place the pipe cleaner across the elastic.

6)Now paste the top half of the mouth with pva glue and hold in place till it sticks. Then use the rubber bands so that it gets further time to stick. Leave the glue to dry.

Your slithery, rattling, snake pet is ready!
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