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New Year Decorations

Twelve months have passed and another year is on our threshold again. Right kids? New Year is the time when we let go of the old and embrace the new. It is a time of gaiety that we celebrate with parties, sumptuous feasts, dazzling fireworks, beautiful flowers, gifts and innovative and colorful decorations. Here, at KidsGen, we have brought to you an assortment of easy New Year decorations and decoration ideas. Gear your house up with all these glittering decorations to fĂȘte this New Year. Be the cynosure of all your friends. If you're planning to hold a New Year Party bash, it'll be a great idea to give your party venue a perfect festive look through the decoration ideas given below. If you like them, click here to send this page to whoever you want. Have a grand New Year celebration.

Balloon decorations

Balloon decorationBalloons are our favorite party decoration, right? Tie 4-6 balloons outside the party location to help guests find the party venue. Place balloon bouquets on the gift table, cake table and such other spots. Buy a number of helium balloons and allow them to float up to the ceiling of your party venue with long ribbons. If you don't want helium balloons, you can go for regular balloon decorations. The economy balloon weights are available in several hues wrapped in shimmering gift paper. Tie several balloons together with a ribbon, curl it using scissors or a knife and tape over your doorway or hang from a ceiling light fixture (see that they are not too close to the bulbs). Also hang a fringe of streamers over the doorways. Pop up the balloons as the clock strikes 12 at midnight. Keep some away however; that way, when the party is over, you can send one balloon home with each of your friend. This will be a cool party favor.

Streamers & Confetti

streamers and confettiStreamers are an essential festive decoration item. Hang a fringe of streamers over the doorways or make a canopy over the New Year cake table by attaching streamers to the chandelier and twirling them down to the corners of the table. You can make some streamers yourself. Cut strips of different length from Crepe paper or tissue paper, tie together at one end with yarn and hang in the doorways.

Sprinkle one-two handfuls of confettis (more than this would take weeks to clean up) of various shapes over tabletops and beds to lend a festive look to the occasion. You can make your own confetti by using a paper punch on construction paper. Or you can buy them from local party stores that sell confetti in nearly every shape imaginable.

Light Decoration

Light decoration on new year Lights are an essential decoration item for any party. These days, you can get various kinds of New Year lights from your local party store. Buy small strings of white bulbs and hang them on your lawns, terraces and balconies. If possible, try to use a timer for controlling the lighting of the party venue.

Flower Decoration

Flowers are absolutely necessary for New Year decorations. Use holly and berry wreaths for decorating the main entrance of our houses. Arrange flower garlands in swags on front door, balconies, railings and mantle. Place beautiful flower arrangements on table centerpieces. You can also prepare yourself some decorative flowers out of papers and paint it out with various attractive colors. Use poinsettias, mistletoes, daisies and ivies for flower bouquets and decoration of dinner table.

Ribbon and snowflakes

Hang bright and colorful ribbons on the ceiling or even across the walls to give a nice look to your New Party venue. Also make some snowflakes out of colored construction paper; paint on some glue, sprinkle with glitter, and hang them in each corner of the house. Your party zone will look just lovely.


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