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Mythological Stories Main Birth of Srikrishna Kalia Kansa Krihsna and Indra Gopal
Ganesh Hanuman Eklavya Link to us Refer this page Feedback

Bhima was the son of demon Kumbhakarna. When he came to know that Rama had killed his father, he wanted to take revenge. BhimeswarHe performed tapasya for one year and pleased Brahma who gave him many boons. He captured heaven and earth. He banned all kinds of worship on earth. Those who tried to worship gods were imprisoned. He also imprisoned Shiva's devotee Sudakkshina. All the gods went to Shiva and asked him to kill Bhima. One day, Sudhakshina made a Shivalinga in the prison and started worshipping it. When Bhima came to know about this he went to the prison and struck the Shivalinga with a sword. Out came Shiva himself and burnt Bhima with one blow of his breath. The shivalinga was called Bhimeshwar and is still worshipped.

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