Lord Vishnu's love for his Devotee

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King Ambrish observed a three-day fast to worship Vishnu. Before breaking it, he invited sages and Brahmins for a feast.

Sage Durvasa also came. Durvasa said, "I will eat only after taking a bath in the river." All the guests waited for Durvasa. But he took a long time and it was almost noon. The Brahmins told Ambrish that if he didn't break his fast before noon, it would be a sin. Ambrish said, "If I eat before Durvasa, he will feel insulted." The Brahmins suggested, "Have water to break the fast now and you can have food when Durvasa returns. This would save you from both sinning and insulting Durvasa."

Just as Ambarish was about to drink water, Durvasa returned. In anger he shouted, "How dare you break you fast without me?" Durvasa threw a chakra towards. Durvasa and King AmbarishAmbarish went to Vishnu for help. Vishnu sent out his chakra. It destroyed Durvasa's chakra and started chasing him. Durvasa was terrified and ran over hills and valleys, but the chakra continued to follow him. He then went to Shiva who asked him to go to Vishnu. But Vishnu said, "You have insulted my devotee. Only he can forgive you." Finally Durvasa went to Ambarish and begged for his life. Ambarish prayed to Vishnu and the chakra immediately disappeared.

Ambarish told Durvasa that it was Vishnu's love for his devotee that had given him the power to do that.

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