The Story of Shanti
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An old lady named Shanti used to observe a fast on Tuesday, the day of Hanuman. Her daughter-in-law, Mala, treated her badly; she never gave her enough to eat. Every Tuesday, Mala gave Shanti four loaves of bread to offer to Hanuman temple, offered two to the god and broke her fast with the remaining bread. One Tuesday, Mala asked her children to follow Shanti. ShantiThe children returned and told her that their grandmother ate two loaves herself. Mala became angry and the next time, gave Shanti only two loaves. Shanti offered one of them to Hanuman and ate the other. The children saw this and told their mother and the next time she gave Shanti only one loaf. Shanti offered half of it to Hanuman and ate the rest. When the children told her, Mala became so angry that the next Tuesday she gave nothing to Shanti. Sadly, Shanti went to the temple. Hanuman appeared in the form of a small boy named Mangal and asked her, "Mother, why are you sad?" On hearing her story Mangal said "I will build a hut and you can stay with me." Every day Mangal gave Shanti milk and bread and took care of her.

When Shanti did not return, Mala was happy but soon poverty struck. She became poor. One day, she asked her children to look for Shanti. They found Shanti and told Mala that their grandmother  was living comfortably. Mala realised that she had been unfair to her mother-in-law and as a punishment from god she had become poor. She went and apologised to Shanti. Mangal told Shanti to go with her as she had realised her mistake.

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