Fun for Kids

Can you find the hidden animals?

Want to test your observation power? Well here’s a perfect test for you. Try finding out the animals which are hidden in the picture and prove yourself as a champion. Study the picture very carefully and you will surely locate the hidden animals, but all you need is immense observation power! So are you ready to take the test? So go on, start locating the animals! Once you are done make sure you challenge your friends and ask them to do the same.

Picture 1
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Picture 2
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picture 3
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picture 4
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picture 5
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picture 6
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picture 7
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picture 8
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picture 9
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picture 10
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picture 11
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picture 12
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picture 13
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picture 14
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picture 15
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picture 16
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picture 17
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picture 18
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1. Willow Ptarmigan    2. Giraffe   3. Wolf    4. Caiman    5. Great Horned Owl
6. American Pika    7. Blue-crowned Parrot    8. Leopard    9. Gyrfalcon
10. California Ground Squirrel    11. Spotted Deer    12. Impala    13. Cheetah
14. Wandering Tattler    15. Blue Dacnis    16. Nighthawk    17. Coyote
18. Klipspringers