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Palindromes are words, phrases or sentences that are the same spelled backwards or forwards. Below are a collection of palindromes. Go through them and give your brain some exercise and see whether you can think of some more.

1. Evil olive.

2. Able was I ere I saw Elba

3. Madam, I'm Adam

4. A man, a plan, a canal -- Panama

5. Yo! Basil is a boy!

6. Now, evil, I've won!

7. Red robots sent savanna vastness to border.

8. E.g., never to be so old again, I, a gad, loose bot, revenge!

9. Was it a cat I saw?

10. Cleveland DNA: Level C.

11. No lemons, no melon

12. Delia failed.

13. Delia was ill!" Lisa wailed

14. Dump mud!

15. Flee elf!

16. Ed is on no side.

17. Gary knits a stinky rag.

18. Ned, I am a maiden.

19. Mr. Owl ate my metal worm.

20. Harass selfless Sarah!

22. He won snow, eh?

23. He won a Toyota now, eh?

24. Is it I? It is I!

25. I did, did I?

26. Don did nod

27. I, man, am regal; a German am I.

28. Mix a maxim.

30. No, it is opposition.

33. "Mad at Adam?"

34. Name no one man.

35. Radar

36. No, tie it on.

37. Pals slap

38. Rise to vote, sir.

39. Top spot

40. No iron ore, Simon - no miser on Orion.

41. Don't nod.

42. Evil, a sin, is alive.

43. I'm a fool; aloof am I.

44. Naomi, did I moan?

45. Euston saw I was not Sue.

46. Pets never even step.

47. Red root put up to order.

48. Add 'A'

49. A Toyota's a Toyota.

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