Easy Christmas Party Ideas For Kids

Are you planning to throw a Christmas bash at your shack? If yes, you have a reason to cheer about. Because what we have brought to you are some splendid ideas that is sure to liven up any Christmas Party. So why wait? Go through them! Apply these to make your bash an outstanding one! If you like our ideas, share them to your friends or anyone of your choice.

Party Ideas for Christmas

Christmas Party Ideas for Kids

Casserole Party - Arrange for a casserole party.Christmas PartyHave an assigned "pot luck" and ask each guest to bring one dish of a dinner. Or you can use a single food theme such as soup, chili, spaghetti, stew, pizza, quiche, or make-your-own sandwiches. This is undoubtedly, one yummy idea that can make for a great bash.

Dessert Party - This one is a foodie's delight too. Freeze the cookies that you had made in November for a holiday cookie party in December. Buy a couple of fabulous desserts for an after concert dessert party. Make cupcakes and invite the kids to decorate their own with sprinkles and sugars. Cookies can also be exchanged. Cookie baskets can be distributed to teachers, coaches, or others. Arrange a coffee and cake party, or tea and pastries, or cocoa and cookies for your friends. They will love it for sure. No two minds about it.

Santa Party - A hugely popular party idea. Santa PartyDecorate your party with a Santa theme, hire a Santa to distribute gifts, invite neighborhood children to make Santa crafts or cookies, Arranging a secret Santa party can work wonders.Or you can show Santa themed family videos. Ask the invitees to wear red, pass out Santa hats, and have a program of recitations of Santa poems and stories. The "Fattest Santa" theme can also work wonders for your X'mas bash. This is a fun theme in which everyone has to get dressed like Santa Claus and the fattest one gets to steal the limelight! You can stuff yourself with pillows, cushions, balloons and anything you can find. You need to buy an extra large Santa suit for yourself. Of course, you can burst those balloons later!

Snow Party - Arrange a snow party. Sent invitations with snowman printed on it. Snow PartyDecorate the house with snowflakes from the ceiling. Make a real snowman outside to greet the guests. Give each of your friend a carrot with their names on it to pin the carrot on the snowman. Make individual snowman cakes for all your pals and put out an array of decorations such as m and m's for eyes and buttons, sprinkles, coconut for snow etc. Stuff the gift bags with snowflake themed gadgets. You can also include a package of" Snowman Soup" which is hot cocoa, heresy kisses, marsh mallows and a peppermint stick.

ReindeerReindeer Party - A greatly funny party idea. Ask everyone to get reindeer horns for your theme party. Keep some craft materials at your home for kids who would want to make them on their own. You can also get a red nose by making a slit in a ping-pong ball and painting it red. Keep everyone jolly by asking them to act like a reindeer and organize a quiz that involves questions regarding Christmas and reindeers.

Christmas Forest Party - Your friends will simply love this one. Buy small artificial Christmas tree for each child along with tinsel bows and ornaments to decorate each one of them. Set up a gazebo outdoors, and set up the "forest" under this. Decorate a big Christmas tree at the back of the forest and set up all small trees on the "snow" you can buy for Christmas, in rows, with nametags on each tree. Ask each of your friend to go into the "forest" and find the tree labeled with their name and then decorate it with the articles that they are provided with. A snowball fight will increase the enjoyment twofold.

Chocolate Party - Hire a chocolate chef. Chocolate PartyGive each of your friend a cup of melted chocolate with cookies, pretzels, fruit and a lot of fun stuff to dip and ask the chef to involve your friends along with him in chocolate making. Each of your friend should have a definite work area with waxpaper to dry its creations. After they finish, give each of your friend a box with their names written on it and stuff it with all the chocolates they have made. You can adopt the Hershey kiss theme for the party. Make the invitations on computer with a chef hat and children mixing a vat of chocolate. Use white vinyl table cloths (from party stores) and decorate them with big Hershey kisses. Cut sheets of aluminum foil and tape the word kisses at the top of each one and cut them out like long labels on the chocolate kisses. Since this was a cooking kind of a party, the children are bound to get messy, its wise to buy T-shirts for each with a kiss printed on them along with the name of each one. Before the party gets over, take a group snap. Copy this image and use them as thank.

Christmas CarnivalChristmas Carnival Theme- A grand and great idea that can liven up any party. Set up your home like a carnival. Adorn all of your party zone with some splendid lighting. Set up tables with craft items for kids so that they can come up with interesting items like Rudolph nose for everyone, sprigs of holly, stars and bells. Make stuff that everyone can wear and participate in the carnival. Organize a parade and visit your neighbors to greet them. Include everyone in your merriment.

Ornament Party - It is a very easy party to put together and lots of your friends can be invited. It needs to be mentioned in the invitation that its going to be an ornament party. Christmas OrnamentThe instruction can be included as part of a poem or indicated at the bottom of the invitation "Ornaments Preferred!". Remember! Each of your friend must bring an ornament along with him or her. Have a Santa Claus come over to your place and each child gets an opportunity to sit on his lap and reveal to Santa what they want for Christmas. Santa gives each child a bag that includes an ornament and some other goodies. So, take a snap of each friend with Santa for them to take home. Parents can also take pictures of their child with Santa. This party is actually a no-mess party as ornaments come in a wide variety of price ranges. Over the years you will actually have accumulated a number of ornaments that can actually be reused for later Christmas decorations.

Charitable party - If you prefer none of the above and want to make your party an excuse for doing some community work, the Charitable Party idea could do well for you. Invite a group to work in a food kitchen, collect toys for the needy, deliver food baskets. Explore your creativity by making things for the homeless like blankets, mittens, toys, etc. Make treat baskets for the hospital-bound, collect warm clothing like hats, mittens, coats, etc. Collect and donate canned goods to a food pantry. Help the inmates of retirement homes and homeless shelters set up a tree. Shovel snow, put up holiday lights, or decorate trees for the elderly.

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