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Happy Indian Independence Day Celebration

Indian Independence Day Quiz

Simple Quiz questions on Indian Independence Day are brought together for all of you. For a great time ahead, don’t hesitate to participate in it. It would be a knowledgeable experience for all the adolescents.
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Quiz on Indian Independence Day

Answer the simple questions.

Quiz on Indian Independence Dayshadow

All Avengers Quiz Questions

  1. Which is India's National Sport?
  2. Who created Azad Hind Fauj?
  3. Who was the first President of Republic India?
  4. Who was the first Prime Minister of Republic India?
  5. Who did rule the India for 150 years?
  6. Where does the prime minister of India hoist the flag on 15th August?
  7. Who was last emperor of India?
  8. Which is the national animal of India?
  9. Which is the national anthem of India?