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Celebrations of Mother's Day Around the World

One of the biggest American holidays, the popularity of Mother's Day is next only to Christmas and is annually celebrated not only in the United States but also in many other countries around the world. Read this interesting article to inform yourself how Mother's Day is observed around the world. If you like reading about Mother's Day celebrations around the world, share this page to your friends and loved ones through social media like Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter etc. Make this Mother's Day an occassion to remember for yourself and all those you love.

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Mother's Day Celebrations Around the World

Mother's Day celebration in

Today, Mother's Day is celebrated in over 40 countries around the world! The exact date and the manner of observance may vary in each country, but the purpose of honoring mothers and motherhood remains unaltered. Here we bring you glimpses of Mother's Day celebrations from a few countries around the world. Read about it and be enlightened!

Mother's Day, as an annual holiday, originated first in the United States. Proposed by social activist Julia Ward Howe in 1872, Mother's Day got its identity as a national occassion much later in 1914 when the Congress passed a resolution designating the second Sunday in May as Mother's Day and President Woodrow Wilson issued the first proclamation making it an official U.S. holiday. Presently, Mother's Day is observed every year with much fanfare in the country. It is an occassion for kids as well as adults who sieze this opportunity to honour and appreciate their mothers with greeting cards, flower-bouqets, chocolates, gifts and gestures like taking them out for dinner. Restaurants and eateries are booked about a month in advance before the big day. Many complete their mother's chores for the day to let them take a break and even prepare delicious dishes by themselves to give them a treat. Though the holiday is often dismissed as a "card holiday" for its increasing commercialization, it is above all a special day that connects mothers with their children.

In the United Kingdom, Mother's Day is better known as "Mothering Sunday", a name that is drawn from a similarly called 17th century occassion which had people working away from their native place returning home to visit their home or "mother" church once a year. A beautiful tradition called 'amothering' as later associated to this occassion that had people bringing special cakes for their mothers on this day as a gift. With time, "Mothering Sunday" has come to be known as "Mother's Day" even though it is still more widely called by its former name. Following the Industrial Revolution, the occassion saw a decline in its popularity but regained its former charm after World War II. Today, "Mother's Day" is observed on the fourth Sunday in the month of Lent and is dedicated to all mothers in the U.K. The day is celebrated with a lot of enthusiasm. The celebrations here echo that of the American one with people gifting flowers, gifts, greeting cards, food items and other little treats to their mothers. Roses, carnations and chrysanthemums qualify as the most popular flowers on Mothers Day in Great Britain. The tradition of gifting cakes is still widely observed with most people making a rich almond cake on this day for their mother, known as the ‘Mothering Cake’ or 'Simnel Cake'. It is regarded as a time to show mother how special she is in the life of her children and showing appreciation for her numerous sacrifices for her kids.

Canada, much like the U.S.A., observes Mothers Day on the second Sunday of May. There is similarity even in the way of observing the holiday, which has people buying cards, gifts and flowers for their mothers. Like in the U.S.A., carnations form the most popular mother’s day symbol here with some people wearing carnations as a brooch on mother’s day to show their affection for the occassion. It is one of those rare days when the sale of greeting cards reaches its peak. Mothers are pampered with personalized handmade gifts, gift coupons, chocolates, jewelry, clothes, handmade items, gift vouchers and best of all, a day off from the kitchen. Most moms are treated to lavish family breakfasts, brunches, lunches, and dinners either at home, at a café or at a restaurant. Many also prefer to make delicious cakes, cookies or something special for their mothers. Those living away from home make personal phone calls to their mothers to wish them a "Happy Mother's Day".

New Zealand
New Zealand observes Mothers Day on the same day as the U.S.A., the second Sunday of May. It is a day of role reversal for children in the country, with most kids playing the roles of their moms to give them a break preparing special dishes and treats. Many take their mothers as well as mother figures like grandmothers or aunts out for a picnic or to dine out in some restaurant. It is a time when people spend on gifts, not only to present them to their own mothers but also for friends and relatives who are mothers. From giving flowers, gifts and greeting cards to taking mom out for dinner to spending quality time with them, Mother's Day is one occassion that children make the most of to please their mother and show them what they mean in their lives.

In Mexico, Mother's Day is popularly known as "Dia de las Madres" and observed every year on May 10. The day is observed here with great fervor, especially in schools across the country that hold special events with children taking part in performances and presentations themed to the holiday. According to a tradition, every son and daughter is expected to pay a visit to their mother's house on the eve of Mother's Day with flowers, cards and other gifts. Many little ones prefer to make cards and gifts on their own to give a more personal touch to the event. Many civic groups and organizations sponsor special programmes to be held on this day. Churches organise festive Mother's Day masses for the day at the shrine of the Virgin of Guadalupe (who symbolises motherhood), where an orchestra plays 'las mañanitas' of the Virgin. The mass is followed by a wonderful Mexican custom of providing early morning meal to all the mothers. The meal involves distribution of 'tamales' and 'atole'.
